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Utah Women for Kamala Event

Our goal was to raise $47,000 for the 47th President.

We did it!

We thought this would be one small gathering, and the response was incredible! What else might we do together? Click on any of the images below to learn more.

phone bank

This Zoom call was one of many that formed to support Vice President Harris.

Thank you to Win with Black Women organized by Jotaka Eddy. Additional groups have included White Women for Kamala, South Asian Women for Harris, White Dudes for Harris, and Latter-day Saints for Harris.

If you missed the event, here’s who spoke.


Scroll down to read why these local leaders will be voting for Vice President Kamala Harris. Remarks shared at Utah Women for Kamala Event on August 15, 2024.

Nancy Gilbert
I’m voting for Kamala Harris because I have seen her in action.
She commands respect in a room. She speaks with passionate conviction. She knows what’s she’s doing. She is honest, she is smart and she has that special intangible “something” that is the ingredient for greatness.
She is our best choice.
She is our ONLY choice.
We are NOT going back.
Patrice Arent
I was honored to hear Vice President Harris speak when she visited Utah this summer. I particularly loved her positive approach when she talked about what our country can be in the future. She gave me renewed hope in the promise of America and inspired me to work even harder to save our democracy. Vice President Harris and Governor Walz are the ethical, smart, and well-qualified leaders that our country needs and deserves. We all have an opportunity to help shape the future of our nation and world by doing everything we can to make sure they are elected.
Emma E. Houston
I believe that Kamala Harris is the change needed to address, course correct, lead, guide, DIRECT, and to create political, economic, and social power for the collective whole. To enact policies that will improve the lives of all people. To be responsible for addressing challenges in our communities, related to health disparities and civil rights. …and to all who are gathered with us in this space, for such a time as this, I am, Emma E Houston, and of course, I am financially supporting and voting for Kamala Harris. Thank you for this opportunity to actively participate in this movement to elect Kamala Harris as President and Tim Walz as Vice President, as the leaders of these United States of America.
Pat Jones
This election, I am voting FOR a multi-talented, inspirational and democracy-saving candidate.
In the late 50s when I was in Elementary school….Every day as we prepared to go outside for recess ….the captains for the boys baseball team….pick their team members…..I was always the ONLY girl picked…I was a fast runner and could hit the ball….These boys were my FRIENDS and I knew I was as good as they were… BUT AFTER school, we rode our bikes from school to the nearby boys Little League Baseball Park….There, I vividly recall watching through the chain link fence, my fingers clutching the wires, as I watched these very boys that I competed with DURING RECESS, but where now I was required to be a spectator. Well, it’s a different time now, people…. Our team is the United States of America. Tim Walz is our ACE catcher! And, I’m voting for Kamala Harris because she’s not only able to be on the team, SHE’S OUR ACE PITCHER! (1) She’s a finisher, (2) she knows how to throw curve balls, and (3) she can pick off the runner who intends to steal a base.
Madison Limansky
I'm voting for Vice President Kamala Harris for President because she embodies the transformative change our country needs. Her strong commitment to reproductive rights, economic justice, and environmental sustainability sets her apart as a leader who fights for all Americans. With Governor Tim Walz as her running mate, they offer a unified vision for tackling critical issues while representing the hard-working American people. This election will shape our future for decades, so let’s support Harris and Walz to ensure a more inclusive and progressive America. Join me in investing in a brighter future for our nation.
Naja Pham Lockwood
Rear Admiral Huan Nguyen
US Navy (Retired)

As a Daughter of Utah, a refugee from Vietnam, I have not felt so excited like this for a long time. I am so excited to be supporting Kamala Harris for the next president of the United States and Tim Walz, as the next Vice President of our country. Thank you, Kamala and Tim, for bringing back the ethics, the joy and the pride to be an American, to be a woman and a daughter of refugees.

[REAR ADMIRAL HUAN NUGYEN shared thoughts in Vietnamese, a portion is translated below]
I am Rear Admiral Huan Nguyen, US Navy, Retired. I send my warmest regards to the Vietnamese American voters. For over 50 years, I have considered myself the luckiest person in the world. I have lived in a society where the constitution of our nation is by the people, for the people, and of the people. Our country has been governed by Presidents whom we have chosen. As citizens of this free country, we must exercise our right to vote to continue upholding democracy and protecting our rights. Therefore, I fully support the ticket of Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz, as they embody the values of democracy, freedom, and rights that resonate with the culture of our Vietnamese American community.

Lavanya Mahate
I find Kamala Harris's diverse background and progressive policies inspiring. As a minority woman who owns a business and runs a nonprofit organization, I deeply value her commitment to social justice and equity. As the first female Vice President and the first woman of South Asian and African American descent to run for the highest political position, she offers a unique perspective on leadership. Her speech at the DNC 2024 exemplifies her dedication to equity, inclusion, and progressive change.
Davina Smith
Why I Support Kamala Harris for President: An Indigenous Perspective As a member of the Diné (Navajo) Nation, I firmly support Kamala Harris for President. She embodies the Diné values of protecting our communities, lands, and future. Harris understands the systemic injustices Native communities face and is committed to meaningful relationships with Tribal Nations, honoring our sovereignty and history. She has pledged to honor tribal sovereignty and invest in Native American communities across the U.S., ensuring that Tribes have a voice. Her commitment reminds me of my Diné principle of Hózhó, emphasizing harmony and balance, she reassures me that she will advocate for the protection of public lands and action on climate change—issues vital to Indigenous communities. Kamala Harris envisions a United States where all voices, including Indigenous, are respected. Supporting her means endorsing a future where our children can thrive, with their rights safeguarded, cultures celebrated, and lands preserved. Let’s do our part—vote, donate, volunteer!
Gretta Spendlove
I’m for Kamala Harris because, as important as Kamala’s policies for economic and social change are, the most important thing for me is her integrity and morality. Integrity and morality in our leaders are the foundation of good government. Kamala Harris would bring that strong foundation as president, but Donald Trump would not. I am also for Kamala Harris because of the joy, optimism, and vision for the future that she brings. Those qualities are so refreshing and invigorating after the dark, negative threats and warnings that form the basis of Donald Trump’s campaign.
Mary Ann Villarreal
A vote for Vice President Harris as president is a strong choice for a more representative and responsive democracy. With her extensive experience as Vice President, senator, and former prosecutor, Harris has consistently worked to address the needs of all Americans, regardless of status and identity.
Tori Horton
Living in a democracy is a privilege, and on November 6th, I want to know I’ve done everything to elect Kamala Harris as our next President. My children deserve a country where every person can thrive, and I believe Kamala Harris is the leader who will make that possible. She embodies leadership, putting others first and upholding the law, even when no one is watching. She will work to create an America that protects individual rights and bridges divides across party lines.

And if you want one more idea, please consider hosting your own $47 for #47 house party. You can bring in your local special guest to raise funds and share wonderful conversations from your living room. Contact Tori Horton (horton.tori@gmail.com) for details and help to start your event.